
What We’re Reading – Week of 12/29/2017

Below you will find the articles on economics, investing, and finance that we found most interesting for the week.

NB: ($) denotes subscription site.


A new economic paper studies the real return of everything from 1870 to present.  The punch line is “risk” assets gained about 7% real per annum while GDP grew around half that.

Article via Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco


In another sign of a maturing credit cycle, private equity loan terms continue to loosen.

Article via Wall Street Journal ($)


Big tech is going after your health care.

Article via New York Times ($)


A one-time super bull is cautious about the stock market for 2018.

Article via Wall Street Journal ($)


The New Yorker looks at the “dark bounty” that is oil and how it has shaped the Texas economy.

Article via The New Yorker