
What We’re Reading – Week of 01/08/2016

Below you will find the articles on economics, investing, and finance that we found most interesting for the week.

NB: ($) denotes subscription site.


Only in America: Tri Tran went from refugee to raising $115 million for his start up Munchery.

Article via Bloomberg


A longtime Wall Street exec with a physics background explains why financial models, such as the illustrious Fed “stress tests”, don’t work.

Article via Nautilus


Is YouTube twice as valuable as Netflix?

Article via Barron’s ($)


Toy manufacturing shifts from China to India as labor costs differ.

Article via Wall Street Journal ($)


Will the Saudis do an initial public offering of Aramco, the world’s largest oil producer?

Article via Economist ($)


Millennials:  they shop differently too.

Article via Wall Street Journal ($)


Where exactly is “the cloud” that everyone refers to?  The Atlantic has an exploration into the locations of Amazon data centers.

Article via The Atlantic