Client Investment Letter July 2024

“The least productive people are usually the ones who are most in favor of holding meetings” — Robert Solow, American Economist   The world is abuzz with a groundbreaking technology promising immense productivity gains.  Every company is exploring it. Startups are popping up all over the place to take advantage of it. One company has […]

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Client Investment Letter January 2023

“[Interest rates] act on financial valuations the way gravity acts on matter: The higher the rate, the greater the downward pull.” – Warren Buffett   The path towards normalizing interest rates in 2022 reasserted the force of gravity on asset prices.  Since 2008, the Federal Reserve and other central banks have engaged in extremely low […]

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Client Investment Letter October 2022

“Inflation is running too hot. You don’t need to know much more than that.” – Fed Chairman Jay Powell   The third quarter marked the beginning of a paradigm shift as investors began questioning the path of inflation and the resolve of the central bank in responding. Since the days of Alan Greenspan, the Fed’s […]

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Client Investment Letter July 2022

“We suffer more often in imagination than reality.” – Seneca, Roman philosopher We all hate uncertainty. Oftentimes we dislike it more than any of the potential outcomes. There was a study published in Nature in 2016 that demonstrated that the uncertainty of getting a small electric shock was much more stressful for people than knowing […]

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Client Investment Letter April 2022

“He who wishes to fight must first count the cost.” – Sun Tzu It was an eventful quarter, to say the least, with two wars breaking out: a war in Eastern Europe and a “monetary war” here at home against overheating inflation. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine brought to the forefront geopolitical risk, the fragility of […]

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