Below you will find the articles on economics, investing, and finance that we found most interesting for the week.
NB: ($) denotes subscription site.
Companies “priced in hope” and the importance of keeping an eye on fundamentals to avoid big losses.
A vegan works to replace the egg. Another example of how “engineered” food can solve the world’s hunger problems?
Surprise, surprise! People are learning (the hard way) Bitcoin doesn’t come with an FDIC guarantee.
Beer (AB InBev) and software (Oracle). A compare and contrast piece by Lex. We’d prefer to drink beer and own software.
Rome about to fall (into bankruptcy)? Even though it is off the front page, all is not necessarily well in the Old World.
Innovation was lacking at Mobile World Congress this year.
GDP growth remained weak in Q4. BEA’s revised estimate was 2.4% annualized growth for Q4 (down from a 3.2% advanced estimate).