
What We’re Reading – Week of 03/07/2014

Below you will find the articles on economics, investing, and finance that we found most interesting for the week.

NB: ($) denotes subscription site.


Warren Buffett’s annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders always has excellent nuggets of wisdom.  This year is no exception.

2013 Shareholder Letter via Berkshire Hathaway


James Montier at GMO isn’t expecting good real returns for the market from here.

White Paper via GMO


You know the valuations are “healthy” when investment bankers want to take their own companies public.  We’re looking at you Ken Moelis.

Article via Reuters


A good reminder that department store sales have been declining for quite a while now.

Article via USNews


Pollution is bad enough in China that they are willing to sacrifice economic growth to reduce it.  What is going to anger the people more, no jobs or no clean air?  Tough decisions lie ahead for the CPC.

Article via Bloomberg


The Russians are planning to re-form a potash cartel with Belarus.  Potash prices are probably going to be headed up if this happens.

Article via Moscow Times


An interview with Paul Maritz, CEO of EMC’s Pivotal startup, talking about changes coming to enterprise IT.

Article via WSJ ($)