Below you will find the articles on economics, investing, and finance that we found most interesting for the week.
NB: ($) denotes subscription site.
Think about this Bugatti-driving crook the next time you get a “hot tip” in your email inbox.
The ever-present risk that the government changes the tax code is implied in this interesting article about MLPs.
Bond guru Gundlach says junk bonds are richly priced.
IBM puts Watson on the task of finding personalized cancer treatments.
Mobile advertising is growing like a weed! Marketers will pay more and more to reach that tiny screen on your smart phone.
Google is doing its part to expand the mobile ad market by making sure that advertisers can reach you via the things you wear (e.g. a watch) with Android Wear.
Warren Buffett demonstrates he knows a thing or two about underwriting insurance as brackets bust all over the place in the first day of the NCAA tourney.