
What We’re Reading – Week of 03/28/2014

Below you will find the articles on economics, investing, and finance that we found most interesting for the week.

NB: ($) denotes subscription site.                                                                               


Online advertising is inherently more measurable and so is the fraud.

Article via Wall Street Journal ($)


The keep it simple approach to investing works for Tampa firefighters and police pension fund.

Article via New York Times


Has Fed policy slowed the recovery?  Jeremy Grantham says, “Yes!”

Article via Fortune


There are real costs to retirees from financial repression.

Article via Bloomberg


Tough times continue in the met coal business.

Article via Wall Street Journal ($)


Federal Reserve Governor Jeremy Stein’s speech suggesting the Fed should consider financial market vulnerability in addition to unemployment as it sets policy made waves on Wall Street this week.

Speech via Federal Reserve