
What We’re Reading – Week of 05/22/2015

Below you will find the articles on economics, investing, and finance that we found most interesting for the week.

NB: ($) denotes subscription site.


Would you give your money to a felon?  If you are a customer of J.P. Morgan or Citigroup, you already do.

Article via Bloomberg


Markets are looking a little pricey based on Tobin’s Q.

Article via Bloomberg


Energy Transfer founder Kelcy Warren is having fun during the oil bust.

Article via Bloomberg


Would the world’s debt addiction end if it weren’t subsidized?

Article via the Economist ($)


Gambling doesn’t just happen in Macau; it also happens on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (e.g. the curious cases of Hanergy and Goldin).

Article via Financial Times ($)


Holacracy at Zappos sounds like a mess, but it seems to work for the makers of Gore-Tex.

Article via Wall Street Journal ($)