
What We’re Reading – Week of 06/05/2015

Below you will find the articles on economics, investing, and finance that we found most interesting for the week.

NB: ($) denotes subscription site.


A top oncologist at Sloan Kettering says that cancer drug prices are unsustainably high.

Article via Forbes


What’s the secret to a successful career on Wall Street according to a 99-year-old woman who still works there?  Don’t do anything stupid and think long term.

Article via Bloomberg


Intense scrutiny couldn’t improve sell side analyst forecasts.  Perhaps the lesson is that predicting future earnings is a perilous business?  Better to use the past to judge the quality of a business, buy at a reasonable price, and let the earnings come as they will?

Article via Bloomberg


U.S. profit margins are at a 50 year high.  Will we see mean reversion or is this time different?

Article via Financial Times ($)


Why (almost) no one is using Apple Pay.

Article via Forbes


Lithium ion still looks like the best battery technology for the foreseeable future. 

Article via The Economist ($)


Marty Lipton says no company is safe from activists (despite his best efforts – he invented the poison pill).  That is probably a good thing for shareholders.

Article via Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation


Disney takes a crack at developing its own toys to combine imagination and technology.

Article via Los Angeles Times