Below you will find the articles on economics, investing, and finance that we found most interesting for the week.
NB: ($) denotes subscription site.
It is becoming as much of a summer tradition as lemonade stands and trips to the swimming pool: Greece tussles with its creditors.
Conditioned after years of last minute deals, European equity strategists are uniformly bullish despite Greek impasse.
The FT offers an inside look at the Brazilian team behind the success at AB Inbev (and Warren Buffet’s new best friends who are doing the same thing at Heinz/Kraft).
Article via Financial Times ($)
Dallas-Fort Worth keeps the Texas job growth going, while Houston sputters on the heels of falling oil prices.
Article via Wall Street Journal ($)
Will the IRS close the door on hedge-fund backed reinsurers? They have been a major additional source of capital (along with cat bonds) for the industry in the last decade.
California says Uber drivers are employees, not independent contractors. Will the Uber model work with employees?
Criminals are constantly waging cyber war on big enterprises. Bloomberg has a look at the conflict from inside the world’s largest corporate data company, EMC.
Chicago’s rift with Moody’s shows the inherent tension when your business model depends on gathering fees from those you are rating. When Chicago eventually is forced to restructure (which seems likely) we’ll see how investors feel about Moody’s refusing to play the game.