
What We’re Reading – Week of 08/28/2015

Below you will find the articles on economics, investing, and finance that we found most interesting for the week.

NB: ($) denotes subscription site.


Beware of the risks of risk parity.

Article via Financial Times ($)


Does the fading economy and graft crackdown spell trouble for China’s leaders?

Article via New York Times ($)


It has been saving for a rainy day.  Will China liquidate its holdings in U.S. Treasuries?

Article via Bloomberg


During stock price chaos, experienced managers hunt bargains.

Article via New York Times ($)


The lost decade for Whole Foods:  How a great business can be a bad investment (if you pay too much).

Blog post via Gurufocus


Ruane Cunniff & Goldfarb’s team talks stocks at its annual investor day.

Transcript via Ruane Cunniff & Goldfarb