
What We’re Reading – Week of 12/05/2014

Below you will find the articles on economics, investing, and finance that we found most interesting for the week.

NB: ($) denotes subscription site.


Oil historian Daniel Yergin seems to take a pretty balanced view on the supply/demand situation for oil.  He still seems to place some faith in OPEC’s ability to impact price.

Op-Ed via Wall Street Journal ($)


The Lex column points out that bank lending is finally picking up steam.  Is velocity of money next?

Article via Financial Times ($)


The American middle class consumer continues to get squeezed by rising healthcare and telecom costs.

Article via Wall Street Journal ($)


Luke Johnson has some wise words on the correlation between trust and economic success.

Article via Financial Times ($)


Anyone who claims central banking isn’t political is crazy, just ask Mario Draghi.  Oh, what a balancing act he is having to do to launch quantitative easing in Europe!

Article via Financial Times ($)