
What We’re Reading – Week of 12/19/2014

Below you will find the articles on economics, investing, and finance that we found most interesting for the week.

NB: ($) denotes subscription site.


The SEC finally attempts to use big data and quantitative methods to help it do its job better.  Will they discover high frequency trading abuses?

Article via Wall Street Journal ($)


Can rainwater collection help Los Angeles tame its water problems?

Article via Wall Street Journal ($)


The FT has a nice piece on the winners and losers of the rapid oil price decline.  A lot of the world’s “good guys” are on the winners list.

Article via Financial Times ($)


Monetary policy at the zero bound leads to some interesting experiments.  The Swiss National Bank introduces negative interest rates to stop the flight to the Swiss Franc.

Article via BBC News


Speaking of monetary policy, the U.S. Fed said they would be “patient” about raising interest rates.  Apparently, patient means waiting at least two meetings based on Yellen’s press conference.

Statement by Federal Reserve Board of Governors